Your initial 50 minute consultation will be free of charge.
Christian Counseling appointments are in Naples, Florida or Henderson, Tennessee. We also provide phone and online counseling for those out of the area.
Phone counseling and in office appointments are available daytime, evening, and Saturdays.
Clients will make their payment at the beginning of each session unless other arrangements have been made in advance. We have a paypal button located at the bottom of this page.
At Ephesians 525 Ministries, we believe that one tool … the APS test … can identify areas that create stress in life and relationships more quickly than any other method. Counseling can then be targeted toward those areas immediately, instead of spending several sessions trying to determine where the problems are. We strongly urge all of our clients to invest in the APS as soon as possible.
The APS package consists of the test and 4 fifty minute follow up sessions, which can be done in person, over the phone, or by email. For individuals, the package is a one time payment of $250. For couples, it is a one time payment of $350. We can help and work with you on a payment plan if necessary. Contact your counselor directly to make arrangements.
For in person and phone counseling, Ephesians 525 Ministries charges on a sliding scale, dependent upon your ability to pay. Your debit or credit card is accepted through PayPal.
Online counseling via our forum is $50 per week for unlimited access, payable in advance. Online clients can choose to post in the private section, which is only visible to our staff, or in the public section, which can be read by anyone who visits the forum. Only clients and staff can post. Clients in the public section use assumed names and change personal details. We have found that simply reading the stories of others and seeing what advice they are given can help many people who might, for a variety of reasons, choose not to participate in counseling themselves. Clients who agree to post in the public section will receive 1 week of counseling free, and can be moved to the private section at any time.
To schedule a session, you may email us at or call (239-435-3989). In your message please include your time zone and a few preferable times for our sessions. You may also include anything you would like to share about yourself. We are available by appointment during the day (M-F) and some evenings. We will usually respond the same day. (Note: Please contact only if you are 18 or older.)
Ephesians 525 Ministries no longer submits for insurance. All counseling charges are due prior to each appointment. ?Please see the below link for a detailed explanation of why.
What they are not telling you about using insurance !