Our Coaching Philosophy
We believe that God has given each of us the wisdom and power to make our life be what we want it to be. We see the coaching relationship as an alliance, a partnership, a process of inquiry that empowers clients to reconnect with God’s wisdom, to find their own answers, and to rediscover those powerful moments of choice out of which lasting change grows.
We are three part beings … mind, body, and spirit. Every choice we make affects every aspect of our lives. Our work affects our relationships. Our relationships touch our spirituality. Our spiritual well being affects our capacity for joy which affects our work and so on, round and round. We coach the whole person. We believe you deserve the life you want.
So… Who are you? What is important to you? What are your challenges? What gets in your way? Where do you want to go? How would you feel if your life were just exactly the way you wanted it to be? When would you like to begin?
The Arno Profile System can help you discover the inner gifts and challenges God has designed in your life. Your APS test is a powerful tool to help you harness you gifts to bring about the life God has intended for you.
Whatever your circumstances, goals or dreams might be, the bottom line is that your life is in transition.
And you are determined to make your life be what you want it to be!
That’s where a Professional Life Coach comes in: We will help you turn your dreams into reality.