Abuse Is Devastating
Category : For Men For Women Marriage Advice
By: Steven R. Tracy
- Recent neurological research has definitely shown that early childhood abuse, neglect, and witnessing family violence permanently alters and damages the brain, thus leading to a host of long term individual and social pathologies.
- The annual cost of intimate partner violence in the United States is estimated to be $8.3 billion dollars (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003)
- Adult prostitutes are three to four times more likely than non-prostitutes to have been physically or sexually abused in childhood.
- 70% of all psychiatric emergency room patients report a history of childhood physical or sexual abuse
- It is estimated that two million Americans self mutilate, and a high percentage do so because of unresolved childhood trauma, particularly sexual abuse
- Abuse is one of the primary reasons for homelessness in America
- It is estimated that one-third of abused children will become abusive parents
- Alcoholics are over three times more likely to have experienced childhood abuse
- 70-80% of adult sex addicts are survivors of physical or sexual abuse
- According to an study released by U.S. Dept. of Justice, being abused or neglected as a child increased the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile by 59%, arrest as an adult by 28%, and arrest for a violent crime by 30%