Blended Families Divorce Rate Increases
Category : Uncategorized
Today, some 75% of divorced people will remarry. Unfortunately more than 60% of these new blended families will end in divorce.
Divorced couples need to earnestly seek counseling before they “tie the knot” because our patterns of behavior can possibly bring us right back to the same issues that caused the first marriage to fail; that pesky F12 button.
“Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. (Isaiah 43:18 NASB)
This an area where an APS test can be a significant tool to help sort our problems early on in this new relationship. The APS test will help potential couples define how they are outside of God’s design, and together what each of the parties might need to consider going into a new marriage.
Couples can receive an APS test with Ephesians 5:25 Ministries for as little as $ 350.00 for a couple. This includes the test as well as four hours of couples counseling to help the husband and wife understand where they can help each other to have a marriage that glorifies God.
Call us today, if you are considering a marriage after a divorce. What we can teach you will make all the difference for your future success.
In His service….TimothyPaul