Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone else before?

Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone else before?

Can I tell you something Ive never told anyone else before? she asked, seeking permission before fully disclosing her pain.

Of course. You can share anything youd like. Youre safe with me. Remember, I keep confidences for a living, I said with a smile.

Im not sure I want to go on. I dont think I can take anymore, or that I see the point. She stared up at my eyes waiting for my reaction, expecting me to be shocked. But I wasnt. I rarely am. And the strangest thing is that Im not sure how I got here or what to do about it. All I want is to feel bettermaybe a little joy, but maybe thats not possible for me.

Fortunately, I knew. The first thing you need to know is that I understand. Ive been there, and it sounds like you are telling my story. The only difference is that Im on the other side now. And the next thing you need to know is that those thoughts are not your thoughts. Those thoughts are being fed to you by the enemy of your soul.

What do you mean?

Scripture says, The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they might have life and have it to the full! You have an enemy whose goal is to steal your joy, kill your peace, and destroy your identity through this beast of depression.


Because I’ve Been There {Depressed}

Timothy Paul

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