Thank you for an Amazing 2016

Thank you for an Amazing 2016

I would like to take a minute and thank everyone who supported Ephesians 5:25 Ministries in 2016.

When we look at the Body of Christ, we see that it takes all of us as a team to fulfill His Vision for His will on Earth. While Nehemiah may have been given the Vision by God of rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem, it was the entire community that performed the task.

All of your prayers, financial contributions, investment of time and energy are so very appreciated. We have seen some amazing and wonderful things happen in 2016. Every marriage saved, every broken heart that begins healing, and especially any one has has struggled in their relationship with God, that is brought back to see His Light and Love is because of you. The launch of our specialized ministry in August to work with the chronically ill is especially close to my heart.

I would especially like to thank the non-Christians that have supported us through out the year. To me, that has amazing consequences and I realize how special your faith is in us, the ministry.

Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.

Jonathon Swift

God has brought us some new visions for 2017. Honestly, I am overwhelmed by the path (and faith) God is placing before us. But thankfully, we need not look to “how”, that is His role, we are only called to obedience.

Look forward to the announcements in the late first quarter for some amazing changes, development, and growth from Ephesians 5:25.

Again, must humblest gratitude for all you do.

In His service… TimothyPaul

TimothyPaul, L.P.C., D.D.
Ephesians525 Ministries

Timothy Paul

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